Fiscal and Economic Policy

Fiscal and Economic Policy

IGPA engages a wide range of policy-oriented faculty across the University System who collaborate within focused working groups. Each of these groups is comprised of dozens of faculty researchers representing each of the three System universities. As questions arise in both the public sphere and academia, IGPA scholars use the latest research methods and work together to evaluate current affairs, ask tough questions, and identify possible solutions.

Members of this working group research ways to make Illinois’ economic and fiscal structure equitable, dynamic, and sustainable.


David Merriman
David Merriman

James J. Stukel Presidential Professor, Department of Public Policy, Management and Analytics, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs | University of Illinois Chicago

dmerrim@uic.edu View Profile
Richard Funderburg
Richard Funderburg

Associate Professor, School of Public Management and Policy | University of Illinois Springfield

rfund2@uis.edu View Profile


Philip Ashton
Philip Ashton
Affiliation Associate Professor, Urban Planning and Policy Program, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs | University of Illinois Chicago
Email pashton@uic.edu
Jeffrey Brown
Jeffrey R. Brown
Affiliation Dean and Josef and Margot Lakonishok Professor of Business, College of Business | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Email brownjr@illinois.edu
Beverly Bunch
Beverly Bunch
Affiliation Professor, School of Public Management and Policy | University of Illinois Springfield
Email bbunc1@uis.edu
Patricia Byrnes
Patricia Byrnes
Affiliation Associate Professor, College of Business and Management | University of Illinois Springfield
Email pbyrn1@uis.edu
Deborah Carroll
Deborah Carroll
Affiliation Director, CUPPA | University of Illinois Chicago
Email deborahc@uic.edu
Robert Chirinko
Robert Chirinko
Affiliation Professor, Department of Finance, College of Business | University of Illinois Chicago
Email chirinko@uic.edu
Curt Clemons-Mosby
Curt Clemons-Mosby
Affiliation Director, Budgeting for Results Unit, Governor's Office of Management and Budget, Springfield, Illinois
Email Curt.ClemonsMosby@illinois.gov
Jonathan Coppess
Jonathan Coppess
Affiliation Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Consumer Economics | University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Email jwcoppes@illinois.edu
Natalie Davila
Natalie Davila
Affiliation -
Email natalieadavila@sbcglobal.net
Michael Donahoe
Michael Donahoe
Affiliation Professsor, Accountancy | University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Email mdonohoe@illinois.edu
Marc Doussard
Marc Doussard
Affiliation Professor, Department of Urban and Regional planning | University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Email mdouss1@illinois.edu
Joshua Drucker
Joshua Drucker
Affiliation Associate Professor, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs | University of Illinois Springfield
Email jdruck@uic.edu
Fred Giertz
Fred Giertz
Affiliation Professor Emeritus, Institute of Government and Public Affairs | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Email jgiertz@illinois.edu
Adam Groner
Adam Groner
Affiliation Senior Economist | Illinois Governor's Office of Management and Budget
Email Adam.Groner@Illinois.gov
Geoffrey Hewings
Geoffrey Hewings
Affiliation Emeritus Director of the Regional Economics Applications Laboratory (REAL), Department of Urban and Regional Planning, College of Fine & Applied Arts | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Email hewings@illinois.edu
Greg Howard
Greg Howard
Affiliation Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Email glhoward@illinois.edu
Michelle Hutchens
Michelle Hutchens
Affiliation Assistant Professor, Gies College of Business | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Email mlh80@illinois.edu
Richard L. Kaplan
Richard L. Kaplan
Affiliation Guy Raymond Jones Chair in Law, College of Law | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Email rkaplan@illinois.edu
Christelle Khalaf
Christelle Khalaf
Affiliation Associate Director, Government Finance Research Center | University of Illinois Chicago
Email ckhalaf@uic.edu
Arwi Kriz
Arwi Kriz
Affiliation Visiting Assistant Professor, School of Public Management and Policy | University of Illinois Springfield
Email asrit1@uis.edu
Jong Sung Lee
Jong Sung Lee
Affiliation Deputy Associate Director, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) | University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Email jonglee1@illinois.edu
Jeremy McClane
Jeremy McClane
Affiliation Professor, College of Law | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Email jmcclane@illinois.edu
Dermot Murphy
Dermot Murphy
Affiliation Associate Professor, Department of Finance, College of Business | University of Illinois Chicago
Email murphyd@uic.edu
Christopher Navarro
Christopher Navarro
Affiliation Lead Research Programmer, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) | University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Email cmnavarr@illinois.edu
Elizabeth Powers
Elizabeth Powers
Affiliation Interim Associate Director, Institute of Government and Public Affairs, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Email epowers@illinois.edu
Julian Reif
Julian Reif
Affiliation Associate Professor and RC Evans Data Analytics Fellow, Gies College of Business | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Email jreif@illinois.edu
Robert Smith
Robert Smith
Affiliation Dean and Professor, College of Public Affairs and Administration | University of Illinois Springfield
Email rsmit27@uis.edu
Matthew Tarduno
Matthew Tarduno
Affiliation Assistant Professor, Economics | University of Illinois Chicago
Email tarduno@uic.edu
Ben Taylor
Ben Taylor
Affiliation Associate Director for Economic Development and Innovation, VP EDI | UI System
Email bktaylor@uillinois.edu
Rachel Weber
Rachel Weber
Affiliation Professor, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs | University of Illinois Chicago
Email rachelw@uic.edu
Paula Worthington
Paula Worthington
Affiliation Senior Lecturer at the Harris School of Public Policy | University of Chicago
Email pworthington@uchicago.edu
Yonghong Wu
Yonghong Wu
Affiliation Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs | University of Illinois Chicago
Email yonghong@uic.edu
Suyang Yu
Suyang Yu
Affiliation Lecturer, School of Public Management and Policy | University of Illinois Springfield
Email syu70@uis.edu

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