Research Scholar Initiatives

Research Scholar Initiatives

IGPA’s Research Scholar Initiatives catalyze large-scale policy inquiries to undergird the development of policy decision making models by teams of scholars across the University of Illinois System and maximize public engagement and impact.


Since 1947, the Institute of Government and Public Affairs (IGPA) has connected scholars across the University of Illinois System with legislators, civil servants, and key decision makers in Springfield, throughout the Land of Lincoln, and beyond. As the only System-level institute dedicated to policy engagement, we connect world-class research with the state’s needs—and we support policymakers in pursuing research-driven solutions.

IGPA’s Research Scholar Initiatives catalyze large-scale policy inquiries to undergird the development of policy decision making models by teams of scholars across the University of Illinois System and maximize public engagement and impact.

2024 Initiatives
2023 Initiatives
2022 Initiatives

2024 Initiatives Initiatives

Informing Violence Prevention Policy: Investigating Nature, Mindfulness, and Music as Preschool Social-Emotional Education Strategies
Informing Violence Prevention Policy: Investigating Nature, Mindfulness, and Music as Preschool Social-Emotional Education Strategies

The objective of this study is to establish early childhood programming as violence prevention planning. The Illinois State Board of Education has early learning standards and Head Start has performance standards. Yet, these are general guidelines without specific curricular recommendations or evidence-based program suggestions. We propose to conduct a systematic scoping literature review and a comparative analysis of three stress-coping programs hypothesized to promote emotional regulation and prevent violence and related long-term negative outcomes.
This study serves as a critical next step toward providing policy recommendations for early childhood social emotional learning and teacher preparation programs.

Principal Investigator
Rachel JacksonGordon, PhD Postdoctoral Research Associate
Education, Learning, Child and Family WellBeing IGPA Working Group Member Department of Human Development & Family Studies (HDFS); Family Resiliency Center (FRC), College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES)
Jacinda K. Dariotis
Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Co-Principle Investigator
Lynda Gibson
Department of Psychology, Psychological Services Center (PSC), College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS); Safe First Steps Early Childhood Trauma Program
PhD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Director
William Sullivan
Department of Landscape Architecture; College of Fine & Applied Arts (FAA); Smart, Healthy Communities Initiatives, Office of the Provost
PhD, Professor, Director
Jenna Riis
Department of Health & Kinesiology, College of Applied Health Sciences (AHS)
Jenna Riis, PhD, Assistant Professor
Promoting Continuous Medicaid Enrollment: Data-Driven Evidence to Increase Health Equity, Improve Quality of Care, and Optimize Policy
Promoting Continuous Medicaid Enrollment: Data-Driven Evidence to Increase Health Equity, Improve Quality of Care, and Optimize Policy

The initiative in this study has two primary goals: to promote continuity of coverage and care and to improve the quality of care and health outcomes among Illinois Medicaid beneficiaries. Because beneficiaries who are reinstated to Medicaid within 90 days of the redetermination period will be automatically reenrolled into their managed care plan, we expect the initiative to minimize churn between Medicaid FFS and managed care. The resulting continuity in coverage will prevent disruptions in care caused by breaks in communication with care coordinators, gaps in claims history, and confusion over existing authorizations among beneficiaries and providers. Ultimately, we expect that ensuring continuity and minimizing churn will drive better quality care and improved health outcomes for Medicaid beneficiaries.

Principal Investigator
Chi-Fang Wu, Professor and PhD
Program Director School of Social Work University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign

2023 Initiatives Initiatives

Building the Next Generation of Engage Researchers: Utilizing Youth Participatory Action Research to Engage Teens in Community Policy Change
Building the Next Generation of Engage Researchers: Utilizing Youth Participatory Action Research to Engage Teens in Community Policy Change

This project engages teens as partners to research issues in their communities that impact their daily lives and then develop plans for action change to advocate with the appropriate policy organizations. Commonly termed youth participatory action research (YPAR), the project empowers teens to civic participation and begins their training as the next generation of engaged researchers.

Principal Investigator
Amy Leman
Professor, Assistant Professor, Agricultural Leadership Education, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Jacinda Dariotis
Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Aisha Griffith
Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Zachary Kennedy
Extension State Specialist, Community and Economic Development, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Ye Rang Park
Research Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Mynda Tracy
4-H Youth Development Educator, Illinois Extension, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
The Ecology of Rental Housing Regulation in Illinois
The Ecology of Rental Housing Regulation in Illinois

Housing code enforcement has been described as “law in action” – in this project, we evaluate local government rental property regulation and the extent to which code enforcement actions influence housing affordability, housing stability, and access to resource-rich neighborhoods. Using a combination of traditional policy evaluation techniques coupled with documentary video, we develop policy-informed narratives to share with local governments, housing professionals, and policymakers.

Principal Investigator
Andrew Greenlee
Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Sharon Legenza
Executive Director, Housing Action Illinois
An Evaluation of the Intersection of Illinois State-Funded Agencies and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act: A Data-Driven Policy Initiative
An Evaluation of the Intersection of Illinois State-Funded Agencies and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act: A Data-Driven Policy Initiative

Illinois has the highest reported numbers of non-repatriated remains in the United States. A recent study confirmed that Indigenous Ancestors are housed within MEC offices nationwide. A systematic and thorough examination of each Illinois MEC office will allow for the identification of where and how repatriation is lapsing and lead to informed recommendations for policy changes as appropriate.

Co-Principal Investigators
Arielle Reich, MA
Ph.D. Student, UIUC, Department of Anthropology
Cris Hughes
Clinical Associate Professor, UIUC Department of Anthropology
Jenny Davis
Citizen of the Chickasaw Nation, UIUC Associate Professor of Anthropology and American Indian Studies & Director of the American Indian Studies Program
Krystiana Krupa
NAGPRA Program Officer, UIUC NAGPRA Office
Marynia Kolak
Assistant Professor, UIUC Department of Geography and Geographic Information Scienc
Research Assistant
Catherine Discenza
Master's student in the UIUC Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science
The relationship between multi-jurisdictional employment policies and food insecurity
The relationship between multi-jurisdictional employment policies and food insecurity

Food insecurity contributes to many chronic diseases through its effect on diet quality. People of color, especially those living in communities characterized by persistent poverty, have among the highest rates of chronic disease in the United States (U.S.) including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Food insecurity often forces individuals to make trade-offs between food and other resources—including health care.

At the same time, people of color are also disproportionately exposed to precarious employment (e.g., job instability, low wages, limited benefits, and few protections). Employment is a social determinant of health, as well as a factor that influences other social determinants of health. For instance, wages and benefits obtained from work influence where a person is able to live, their access to and use of healthcare and social services, and access to healthy food options. Because of relatively higher rates of unemployment among racial/ethnic minority working age individuals, this population experiences persistent food insecurity. Yet, research has yet to answer: can policies that provide greater employment protections mitigate food insecurity among low-wage workers?

Principal Investigator
MPI: Elizabeth (Betsy) Porter, JD
Clinical Assistant Professor University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health, Health Policy and Administration Affiliate faculty: University of Illinois Chicago Law School
MPI: Sage Kim, PhD
Associate Professor University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health, Health Policy and Administration
Co-I: Vanessa Oddo, PhD
Assistant Professor University of Illinois Chicago Applied Health Sciences, Kinesiology and Nutrition
Co-I: Emily Stiehl, PhD
Clinical Assistant Professor University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health, Health Policy and Administration
Co-I: Elizabeth Powers, PhD
Associate Professor University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Department of Economics

2022 Initiatives Initiatives

Farm Bill Mapping Initiative
Farm Bill Mapping Initiative

The Farm Bill Mapping Project uses existing public data to visualize agricultural and conservation policies in support of policy design efforts in the forthcoming 2023 Congressional Farm Bill reauthorization process. The project further combines statutory and regulatory interpretation with data and computation from the Policy Design Lab at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Eventually, the resulting public-facing mapping effort will demonstrate the statutory and regulatory provisions of the Farm Bill.

Principal Investigator
Jonathan Coppess
Director of the Gardner Agriculture Policy Program and Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Jong Lee
Deputy Associate Director, Software Directorate, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Christopher Navarro
Lead Research Programmer, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Effects of COVID-19 and Work From Home on Local Government Revenue Initiative
Effects of COVID-19 and Work From Home on Local Government Revenue Initiative

How have changes in the work-force due to COVID-19 and shifts to work-from-home employment models impacted local government sales taxes and mass transit agencies’ revenues? This initiative seeks to provide data and methodologies that will help policymakers understand and react to the most significant change in the labor market in decades.

Read the findings from this research here: https://igpa.uillinois.edu/reports/working-from-home-in-illinois-who-can-and-does.

Principal Investigator
David Merriman
James J. Stukel Presidential Professor, Department of Public Administration, University of Illinois Chicago
Kenneth Kriz
Director, Institute for Illinois Public Finance and Distinguished Professor, School of Public Management and Policy, University of Illinois Springfield
Richard Funderburg
Associate Professor, School of Public Management and Policy, University of Illinois Springfield
Yonghong Wu
Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, University of Illinois Chicago
Effects of COVID-19 on Vaccine Uptake and Mental Health Initiative
Effects of COVID-19 on Vaccine Uptake and Mental Health Initiative

Using innovative qualitative and quantitative research methods, this project will explore how the COVID-19 pandemic affected mental health and vaccine uptake among children, families, and childcare providers. The research team will inform public health policy narratives and recommend messaging for mental health and vaccine uptake in the wake of COVID-19.


Principal Investigator
Jacinda Dariotis
Pampered Chef, Ltd., Endowed Chair in Family Resiliency, Professor and Director of the Family Resiliency Center, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Liza Berdychevsky
Associate Professor, Department of Recreation, Sport, & Tourism, College of Applied Health Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Brenda Koester
Associate Director, Family Resiliency Center, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Rebecca Smith
Associate Professor, Department of Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Leona Yi-Fan Su
Associate Professor, Charles H. Sandage Department of Advertising, College of Media, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Brent McBride
Director of the Child Development Laboratory and Professor, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, Family Resiliency Center, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
For More Information about the Research scholar Initiatives please contact
Alyssa Cooper (acoope7@illinois.edu)

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